WorldEventCopyWith<$R, $In extends WorldEvent, $Out> class abstract

Implemented types
Available extensions




$asBackgroundChanged BackgroundChangedCopyWith<$R, BackgroundChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, BackgroundChanged, $Out>, provided by the BackgroundChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asBoardMoveRequest BoardMoveRequestCopyWith<$R, BoardMoveRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, BoardMoveRequest, $Out>, provided by the BoardMoveRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asBoardRemoveRequest BoardRemoveRequestCopyWith<$R, BoardRemoveRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, BoardRemoveRequest, $Out>, provided by the BoardRemoveRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asBoardsSpawnRequest BoardsSpawnRequestCopyWith<$R, BoardsSpawnRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, BoardsSpawnRequest, $Out>, provided by the BoardsSpawnRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asBoardTilesChanged BoardTilesChangedCopyWith<$R, BoardTilesChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, BoardTilesChanged, $Out>, provided by the BoardTilesChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asBoardTilesSpawned BoardTilesSpawnedCopyWith<$R, BoardTilesSpawned, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, BoardTilesSpawned, $Out>, provided by the BoardTilesSpawnedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asCellHideChanged CellHideChangedCopyWith<$R, CellHideChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, CellHideChanged, $Out>, provided by the CellHideChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asCellRollRequest CellRollRequestCopyWith<$R, CellRollRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, CellRollRequest, $Out>, provided by the CellRollRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asCellShuffled CellShuffledCopyWith<$R, CellShuffled, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, CellShuffled, $Out>, provided by the CellShuffledValueCopy extension

no setter
$asDialogCloseRequest DialogCloseRequestCopyWith<$R, DialogCloseRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, DialogCloseRequest, $Out>, provided by the DialogCloseRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asDialogOpened DialogOpenedCopyWith<$R, DialogOpened, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, DialogOpened, $Out>, provided by the DialogOpenedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asDialogsClosed DialogsClosedCopyWith<$R, DialogsClosed, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, DialogsClosed, $Out>, provided by the DialogsClosedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asImagesRequest ImagesRequestCopyWith<$R, ImagesRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ImagesRequest, $Out>, provided by the ImagesRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asImagesUpdated ImagesUpdatedCopyWith<$R, ImagesUpdated, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ImagesUpdated, $Out>, provided by the ImagesUpdatedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asMessageRequest MessageRequestCopyWith<$R, MessageRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, MessageRequest, $Out>, provided by the MessageRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asMessageSent MessageSentCopyWith<$R, MessageSent, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, MessageSent, $Out>, provided by the MessageSentValueCopy extension

no setter
$asMetadataChanged MetadataChangedCopyWith<$R, MetadataChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, MetadataChanged, $Out>, provided by the MetadataChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asNoteChanged NoteChangedCopyWith<$R, NoteChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, NoteChanged, $Out>, provided by the NoteChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asNoteRemoved NoteRemovedCopyWith<$R, NoteRemoved, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, NoteRemoved, $Out>, provided by the NoteRemovedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asObjectIndexChanged ObjectIndexChangedCopyWith<$R, ObjectIndexChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ObjectIndexChanged, $Out>, provided by the ObjectIndexChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asObjectsChanged ObjectsChangedCopyWith<$R, ObjectsChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ObjectsChanged, $Out>, provided by the ObjectsChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asObjectsMoved ObjectsMovedCopyWith<$R, ObjectsMoved, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ObjectsMoved, $Out>, provided by the ObjectsMovedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asObjectsRemoved ObjectsRemovedCopyWith<$R, ObjectsRemoved, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ObjectsRemoved, $Out>, provided by the ObjectsRemovedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asObjectsSpawned ObjectsSpawnedCopyWith<$R, ObjectsSpawned, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ObjectsSpawned, $Out>, provided by the ObjectsSpawnedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asPacksChangeRequest PacksChangeRequestCopyWith<$R, PacksChangeRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, PacksChangeRequest, $Out>, provided by the PacksChangeRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asResetWorld ResetWorldCopyWith<$R, ResetWorld, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ResetWorld, $Out>, provided by the ResetWorldValueCopy extension

no setter
$asShuffleCellRequest ShuffleCellRequestCopyWith<$R, ShuffleCellRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, ShuffleCellRequest, $Out>, provided by the ShuffleCellRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTableRemoved TableRemovedCopyWith<$R, TableRemoved, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TableRemoved, $Out>, provided by the TableRemovedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTableRenamed TableRenamedCopyWith<$R, TableRenamed, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TableRenamed, $Out>, provided by the TableRenamedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTeamChanged TeamChangedCopyWith<$R, TeamChanged, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TeamChanged, $Out>, provided by the TeamChangedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTeamJoined TeamJoinedCopyWith<$R, TeamJoined, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TeamJoined, $Out>, provided by the TeamJoinedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTeamJoinRequest TeamJoinRequestCopyWith<$R, TeamJoinRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TeamJoinRequest, $Out>, provided by the TeamJoinRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTeamLeaveRequest TeamLeaveRequestCopyWith<$R, TeamLeaveRequest, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TeamLeaveRequest, $Out>, provided by the TeamLeaveRequestValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTeamLeft TeamLeftCopyWith<$R, TeamLeft, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TeamLeft, $Out>, provided by the TeamLeftValueCopy extension

no setter
$asTeamRemoved TeamRemovedCopyWith<$R, TeamRemoved, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, TeamRemoved, $Out>, provided by the TeamRemovedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asUserJoined UserJoinedCopyWith<$R, UserJoined, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, UserJoined, $Out>, provided by the UserJoinedValueCopy extension

no setter
$asWorldInitialized WorldInitializedCopyWith<$R, WorldInitialized, $Out>

Available on ObjectCopyWith<$R, WorldInitialized, $Out>, provided by the WorldInitializedValueCopy extension

no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


$chain<$R2, $Out2>(Then<$Out2, $R2> t) WorldEventCopyWith<$R2, $In, $Out2>
$delta(Map<String, dynamic> delta) → $R
$merge($In value) → $R
$update($Out transform($In)) → $R
call() → $R
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.