Setonix Server

This is the standalone server part of the Setonix game. Read more here.

Use as a library

You can use the server as a library in your own project. Put the following in your pubspec.yaml:

      url: git://
      ref: <last commit or tag>
      path: server

And then you can use the server in your code:

import 'package:setonix_server/setonix_server.dart';

Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) {
  return runServer(arguments);


You can configure the server by providing an onLoad function that will be called before the server starts.

import 'package:setonix_server/setonix_server.dart';

Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) {
  return runServer(arguments, onLoad);

Future<void> onLoad(SetonixServer server) async {
  print("on load was called");
  // Add your custom code here
  bool toggleCancel = false;
  // Put the event you want to listen to in the brackets
  server.eventSystem.on<ObjectsMoved>().listen((e) {
    print("Listener was called, cancel: $toggleCancel");
    // Cancel the event every second time and duplicate the objects instead
    if (toggleCancel) {
      final event = e.clientEvent;
      final table = e.getTableOrDefault(event.table);
      final cell = table.getCell(event.from);
      final objects = List<GameObject>.from(table.getCell(;
      for (final index in event.objects) {
        final object = cell.objects[index];
      // Send the event to all clients
      e.sendEvent(ObjectsSpawned(e.clientEvent.table, { objects}));
      // Cancel the event
    toggleCancel = !toggleCancel;


Official setonix server library