ClientWorldEventCopyWith<$R, $In extends ClientWorldEvent, $Out> class
- Implemented types
- WorldEventCopyWith<
$R, $In, $Out>
- WorldEventCopyWith<
- Available extensions
- BackgroundChangedValueCopy
- BoardMoveRequestValueCopy
- BoardRemoveRequestValueCopy
- BoardsSpawnRequestValueCopy
- CellHideChangedValueCopy
- CellRollRequestValueCopy
- DialogCloseRequestValueCopy
- ImagesRequestValueCopy
- MessageRequestValueCopy
- MetadataChangedValueCopy
- NoteChangedValueCopy
- NoteRemovedValueCopy
- ObjectIndexChangedValueCopy
- ObjectsMovedValueCopy
- ObjectsRemovedValueCopy
- ObjectsSpawnedValueCopy
- PacksChangeRequestValueCopy
- ShuffleCellRequestValueCopy
- TableRemovedValueCopy
- TableRenamedValueCopy
- TeamChangedValueCopy
- TeamJoinRequestValueCopy
- TeamLeaveRequestValueCopy
- TeamRemovedValueCopy
→ BackgroundChangedCopyWith<
$R, BackgroundChanged, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, BackgroundChanged, $Out> , provided by the BackgroundChangedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ BoardMoveRequestCopyWith<
$R, BoardMoveRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, BoardMoveRequest, $Out> , provided by the BoardMoveRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ BoardRemoveRequestCopyWith<
$R, BoardRemoveRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, BoardRemoveRequest, $Out> , provided by the BoardRemoveRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ BoardsSpawnRequestCopyWith<
$R, BoardsSpawnRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, BoardsSpawnRequest, $Out> , provided by the BoardsSpawnRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ CellHideChangedCopyWith<
$R, CellHideChanged, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, CellHideChanged, $Out> , provided by the CellHideChangedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ CellRollRequestCopyWith<
$R, CellRollRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, CellRollRequest, $Out> , provided by the CellRollRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ DialogCloseRequestCopyWith<
$R, DialogCloseRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, DialogCloseRequest, $Out> , provided by the DialogCloseRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ ImagesRequestCopyWith<
$R, ImagesRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, ImagesRequest, $Out> , provided by the ImagesRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ MessageRequestCopyWith<
$R, MessageRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, MessageRequest, $Out> , provided by the MessageRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ MetadataChangedCopyWith<
$R, MetadataChanged, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, MetadataChanged, $Out> , provided by the MetadataChangedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ NoteChangedCopyWith<
$R, NoteChanged, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, NoteChanged, $Out> , provided by the NoteChangedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ NoteRemovedCopyWith<
$R, NoteRemoved, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, NoteRemoved, $Out> , provided by the NoteRemovedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ ObjectIndexChangedCopyWith<
$R, ObjectIndexChanged, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, ObjectIndexChanged, $Out> , provided by the ObjectIndexChangedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ ObjectsMovedCopyWith<
$R, ObjectsMoved, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, ObjectsMoved, $Out> , provided by the ObjectsMovedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ ObjectsRemovedCopyWith<
$R, ObjectsRemoved, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, ObjectsRemoved, $Out> , provided by the ObjectsRemovedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ ObjectsSpawnedCopyWith<
$R, ObjectsSpawned, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, ObjectsSpawned, $Out> , provided by the ObjectsSpawnedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ PacksChangeRequestCopyWith<
$R, PacksChangeRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, PacksChangeRequest, $Out> , provided by the PacksChangeRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ ShuffleCellRequestCopyWith<
$R, ShuffleCellRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, ShuffleCellRequest, $Out> , provided by the ShuffleCellRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ TableRemovedCopyWith<
$R, TableRemoved, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, TableRemoved, $Out> , provided by the TableRemovedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ TableRenamedCopyWith<
$R, TableRenamed, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, TableRenamed, $Out> , provided by the TableRenamedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ TeamChangedCopyWith<
$R, TeamChanged, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, TeamChanged, $Out> , provided by the TeamChangedValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ TeamJoinRequestCopyWith<
$R, TeamJoinRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, TeamJoinRequest, $Out> , provided by the TeamJoinRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ TeamLeaveRequestCopyWith<
$R, TeamLeaveRequest, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, TeamLeaveRequest, $Out> , provided by the TeamLeaveRequestValueCopy extensionno setter -
→ TeamRemovedCopyWith<
$R, TeamRemoved, $Out> -
Available on ObjectCopyWith<
$R, TeamRemoved, $Out> , provided by the TeamRemovedValueCopy extensionno setter - hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
$R2, $Out2> (Then< $Out2, $R2> t) → ClientWorldEventCopyWith<$R2, $In, $Out2> -
Map< String, dynamic> delta) → $R -
$In value) → $R -
$Out transform($In)) → $R -
) → $R -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.